Monday, May 28, 2012

Photo Hides at Mashatu

I have just spent the last 5 days at our photo hides up at Mashatu. My one main goal was to build another hide, which we did very successfully. So expect more unique and exciting images from our clients at the new hide soon. (Click on the images to enlarge)
The other reason for my visit was to get as much time and photography in the underground elephant hide as possible. This was a very easy feat as the animal action was continually impressive all and every morning. I was fascinated by the diversity of subjects to photograph. Every morning offered something different and each morning there was at least two or three photographic highlights.

I was very happy to be a wildlife photographer again and the low angle in the hides is so conducive to great images that each morning I was gunning to get going from camp to the hide! I even spent a night with Mike Dexter inside the hide, hoping to photograph the elephants in the moonlight. Unfortunately none came the night we overnighted, but as luck would have it, every other night (we had a camera trap set up). I think it must have been Mikes snoring... Here is a selection of some images from my 5 days in the hide. Enjoy. Shem Compion

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